
Thursday, January 26, 2012

To have a knife, or not to have a knife. THAT is the question.

 Let's talk Thai utensils. When eating, what do westerners usually use? A fork, knife, and spoon, right? Correct. Mostly just a fork and knife though. We save the spoon for soup or ice-cream.


When eating in Thailand, the utensils used are spoon, fork, and occasionally chopsticks. Missing something? You mean a knife? Yup...those are pretty much non-existent.

Pork? Use a fork and spoon
You want to buy breaded meat (from the market), and have a Thai person cut it? That's what scissors are for (YES - SCISSORS!).

I think I have used a knife a few western style restaurants.

Oh - but not only are there no knives, but they use spoons and forks the exact opposite way we do. Eating a rice dish? Use the fork to push it into the spoon. Yes, THE SPOON is the main utensil here. Unless it's soup - then you use chop sticks. Anyone find that weird? I did...but now I am used to it and I won't need to buy any knives as part of a kitchen set once I'm back in the USofA.

Biggest disappointment in all this? Knife is the only utensil I know how to say in Thai - and I can't even use it :(

Meet = Knife

Random post, I know.

Sawasdee Kha,

1 comment:

  1. April,

    I love reading about your adventures and students - thanks for posting!

