
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Why maybe Korea isn't right for me...

Yes, I know that Korea hasn't exactly been my favorite place. I thought it was because of the weather (I learned I don't like the cold) but after reading a post by one of my fellow travelers and friend, Shelby, I would have to say that she hit the nail on the nose on her post "First World just ain't my thing".

Now, many people LOVE Korea. Great, for them. But for me, it was a year that I can look back on and think "I am happy I did it" but def not "I want to do it again". Why? Well....after living in Thailand and Myanmar, everything was RAW. As in, no AC (also, no cold weather), no kitchens (I LOVE the feeling of "I miss cooking"), and living out of my backpack. When I was in SE Asia, I didn't collect as much as I did....because honestly, when it's hot out the last thing you want to do is spend all day shopping in a hot market, or think "Man, I'mma have to carry that with the rest of my stuff". I enjoyed the simple-ness of the life there. Yes, I hated carrying my own TP and Hand Sanitizer, I hated when I had to take bucket showers, but I loved so much more of life over TV? Ok, I'll go outside. No internet? Fine, I'll have facetime with the locals and other foreigners.

The experiences have been different, and I will say - I loved being in a 3rd world country. Even with the problems I encountered, I feel I was the most relaxed, and most simplistically happy then I am in a 1st world country.

Don't get me wrong, I still am going to Europe for a few months, and I am sure I will enjoy my time immensely, but there will always be a part of me that longs for my 3rd world lifestyle....maybe that means I will have to just go back for an extended stay.

Apes :)

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