
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Random Thoughts While Sick in Bed...

So I took the afternoon off from school (no worries, I only have 1 class on Wednesdays and it's in the morning) to rest in bed and get better. Last night I had a fever and an achy body. Timmy is doing his best to take care of me; getting me meds, soup, juice, etc.

While I'm on my sicky bed, I figured now was the perfect time to put out some thoughts that aren't enough to make a full post, so here it is:

- Do I really only have 1 follower?? While Ashley is pretty awesome and all, I am sure she is lonely in my "follower group" How can YOU fix that? Easy!! If you are reading this on FB, scroll to the bottom of the post and click "See original post" then on the left hand side of my site, click "become a follower" and there ya go!! Ashley can have some friends to throw a "follower party" with. If you're NOT reading this on FB (cuz Jeffro), then just click on the "become a follower" on the left side of the screen.

- Teaching in Thailand isn't really's more like having a butt load of Assistants. For example, It is rare that I carry anything to class. If I am seen carrying anything, there will no doubt be a student to rush over, take my things, and put them at whatever destination I am heading. The other day in class, while grading papers I had a student fanning me the whole entire time. I mean, REALLY?? It can't really get much more awesome than that. Oh, and I can't forget the daily affirmations of how beautiful and lovely I am.

- NEVER go to restaurant to order anything besides an omelet or fried rice if it's your first time. Apparently Thai's (or Isaan people) think that is all Farang (foreigners) eat. After your 3rd or 4th time, you can order other food and actually GET WHAT YOU ORDER!

- No one cares if you are late to class, or even show up at all. As long as you sign the "sign in sheet" that your class has. For example - we had a long meeting one morning, and it cut halfway into first period. After wards, the teachers weren't in any rush to get to their class. Another example - during "Science Day" or "Language Day" or any other themed day, there are concerts on campus all day. The teachers say "sign the sheet, then send your students to the concert". No problem there!

- Follow-up is non existent here. An example (one of many) - we were given a log-in for a website to record our students grades. Once logged in, it has your class list and from there you can input grades. My log-in worked, but my classes listed were wrong. They said they'd get back to me....that was over a month ago.

- Farangs are awesome (with the exception of in Bangkok), but blonds are even better. Example - during English camp last weekend, we had our blond friend Chris come and help out. We never saw him after the first 10 minutes, as the students had hold of him and wouldn't leave him alone...I'm sure it helps that he looks like Ron Weasley.

- Surprisingly, Thai mail takes about the same time as US mail! Who would've thought it wouldn't be slower than molasses?!?!

- Massaman Curry is the #1 most delicious food in the world. You can even buy it in a can! But you canNOT find it anywhere in our town.

- Eating rice every day doesn't get old!! You can eat it plain, sticky, and even sticky with coconut milk. Anyway you choose - it's still tasty!

- On the local cable stations (the 2 English-ish ones), it doesn't matter what part of a movie you are at, it will at some point be switched to Thai. I have watched the opening of Salt 2 times, gotten to where she is in NY, and then it switches to Thai. I have never seen the beginning of Adjustment Bureau - but I can recite the end f the movie by heart.

- If you get a Thai cell phone, and you hear the text message alert, don't bother checking it. 99% of the time it's Spam. If some one wants to talk to you, they actually call you because it's cheaper.

Ok - time to roll back over and sleep off my sickyness.

Sawasdee Kha,
Apes :)

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