
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Watching from overseas

Well, it's here. The US Presidential Election of 2012. The candidates these 2 guys:

Current Prez - Barack Obama (Democrat)
Challenger - Mitt Romney (Republican)

Now while I am not overly political, I am happy that voting day has arrived. Why? NO MORE POLITICAL POSTS ON MY SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES (yes, that means Facebook). FINALLY!!!

And while I watched the election coverage this AM on CNN, I thought about how interesting it was to watch what was going on in America while I wasn't there. Kind of like looking at America with new(er) eyes. It also made me look back and see what else I had seen while being afar.

The killing of Osama Bin Laden - I got to see the whole world celebrate and realized it wasn't JUST America that wanted it.

Olympics 2012 - it was GREAT to be abroad during the beginning of this, and cheer with other nationalities while the competition was on.

Man jumping and breaking the sound barrier - What a GREAT accomplishment, and being able to discuss it with other nationalities was a bonding moment.

Death of Neil Armstrong - everyone knew of him and his accomplishments as an astronaut, and an American. It was great to have an American have such a positive impact on our image all over the world.

There were also MANY other events all over the world that I was aware of, that in America I might not have paid attention to: the shooting of the Muslim girl on the way to school, for example.

It is great seeing things happening back home and seeing the reactions from non-Americans. It gives new perspective to what is going on at home and how we are viewed.

Until next post...

Apes :)

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