
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rolling Black Outs - fun?

Last night at 6pm the power went out. Not a big deal, as it usually goes out every day for a few minutes. But this time it didn't come back on. So we ate dinner in the sweltering heat, and dark (luckily we had ONE flashlight). Then we were all planning on going out to different places, I was going with Michelle to the NLD (National League for Democracy) office to see if any election celebrations were still going on, Kerry and Kaylyn were headed to the Jazz Fest, and Amy was off to meet a friend for drinks. However, as we were all heading out (with the electricity still off) 2 of the girls came back and said NLD was not popping tonight, so we decided to hit up the Rooftop Bar for electricty and a drink. Kerry and Kaylyn decided to join us there and go to Jazz on Wednesday.

At the bar we ran into some of the guy's house; Luke and Chris. We stayed for a while, they called their house and found out they had a generator running. Our house did not.

Eventually we headed back - around 9:30pm, hoping the electricity was back on. It wasn't. So we discussed sleeping on the balcony, but too many bugs. Then we decided to sleep downstairs, but also too many mosquitos. So we all suffered to our rooms and tried to sleep. At about 1:30am the electricity came back on. By that time I had almost drowned in my own sweat.

Once at school we found out this will be happening every day. For 6 hours a day, electricity will be turned off by the government. Each area will have a different 6 hours. Ours just HAPPENS to be 6pm - 1am (or roughly around then - since I know that's more than 6 hours).

The reasoning is this: the electricity here in Burma is hydroelectric. And since it's hot season, there's no rain so there's no incoming water. So this will happen until the rains come - in JUNE!

So, looks like I'll be living in the dark sauna for 6 hours a day. Not very exciting. But it IS an adventure. And that's what I'm here for.

Apes :)

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