
Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's Christmas Every DAY!

So for the last 2 weeks, I have been SPOILED! Am I mean SPOILED! It started off with a Christmas Card from my Godmother, then followed up with my annual Christmas Ornament from my Nana and Pa (Grandparents on my mom's side of the fam), and then topped with an email from my Mislan gradparents. But then...SUPER SPOILS!!

A package from Kat Kendall (Poole)!!!!

Let's get a little closer, can we?

Flav Ice!! :)


It also had plenty of other goodies, and I was one happy girl. JUST IN TIME FOR THE WEEKEND!!!

Then I was back in school on Monday, the first day of the week of "teacher work week". The students were gone, and us foreign teachers were hard at work (see pic below).

Then I was handed another package - Christmas Presents from Mom and Pops Dukes :) I was under STRICT rules not to open the presents. They were wrapped, so I had no choice but to leave them under my Christmas Tree (part of a "Christmas Decorations" package from my parents a few weeks back). So, until Christmas comes and I can skype with the fam, those presents are being poked and shook. Hope there are no valuables!

But not to be outdone, my GodFather sent smuggled through his lines of contacts a VERY valuable gift. WHITE WINE! That's right, a woman came to my school, dropped off a bag of not 1, not 2, not 3, but FOUR bottles of WHITE wine to my desk, and then she was gone. Godfather Joe definitely lives up to his name!!!

Then, finally - the end of the teacher work week - celebration time! We went to Pizza Hut for lunch (yes, they exist over here!) and had a filling lunch of Pizza, Breadsticks, Salad, Wings, etc. and then did our Secret Santa exchange. There were only 4 of us, and here's the results:

Meghan got from April: A bottle of whiskey, a drinking glass, and a beer can bank
April got from Meghan: A can of instant coffee with a coffee mug, travel toiletries (for my BKK trips) and chocolate
Angie got from Mel: A gorgeous handbag loaded with chocolate
Mel got from Angie: a coffee mug filled with chocolate, and towels (for after his mid-day football games)

This weekend is Christmas, and I get to open my parent's gifts and my gifts from Kat :)

Hope everyone else is having a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Sawasdee Kha,
Apes :)

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